emailed via School Messenger on August 18, 2020
Dear Stillmeadow Families,
By now, you should have received an email from The Stamford Public Schools asking you to complete the Return to Learn Reopening Form and inform us if your child will be attending in person learning or at home distance learning. It is critical that all families complete the attached form in order to receive a placement letter.
If you are planning to attend live learning at Stillmeadow, you will be assigned to a Blue Day or a Green Day. Your child will attend school every other day. This model will maximize the amount of in-school time for every child. Below is a copy of the district rotation for green and blue days through January. You will be notified of your child’s color day within the next two weeks. This will allow you to plan for your child’s care on days she or he is not in school.
Color Days are being assigned according to last name to ensure that siblings across the district attend on the same color day. I understand that many families may need to have children with different last names attend on the same color day. You can assume that your child will be assigned to a Blue Day if your child’s last name begins from A-L and Green Days will be from M-Z. If you have special circumstances for scheduling due to different siblings last names, please contact me as soon as possible. I cannot promise that I can accommodate every request, but I will do my best.
Have a good day and I will be in touch with you again next week.
Mrs. Angela Asaro, Principal