Register Now for After-School Enrichment Classes

Stillmeadow is partnering with Flex Academies to offer a comprehensive after-school enrichment program for Stillmeadow Students.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The Fall 2018 schedule has something for every child, including art, chess, coding, cooking, science, sewing and sports classes.
  • Families must register online at flexacademiesstillmeadow.jumbula.comOnline payment by credit card only.
  • Registration begins Tuesday, September 4 and concludes Wednesday, September 12.
  • Refer to the Flex Academies website for important program information, including:
    • Course descriptions
    • Registration tips
    • Answers to FAQs (refund policy, scholarships, weather-related cancellations, etc)
  • Classes begin the week of September 24 and conclude the week of December 17. See website for exact dates
  • Registration questions should be directed to Flex Academies: or 203-408-3900