Give your home and garden a splash of autumn color while supporting Stillmeadow when you shop our Fall Mum Sale!
Plants are available in 8-inch pots ($6.50 each) or 12-inch pots ($21 each). Available colors include yellow, purple, orange, maroon, and white. See order form for complete details.
Complete and return order form with payment (cash or check made payable to “Stillmeadow PFO”) by Monday, September 16. Please put the order form and payment in a sealed envelope marked “Mum Sale”
Order pickup is Tuesday, September 24 from 12:30 to 2 pm; 3 to 5 pm, and from 6:30 to 7:30 pm for those attending Reading Under the Stars.
Orders unclaimed by Friday, September 27 will be planted at the school.
Questions? Contact Maura Miranda.