Stillmeadow’s Charleston Wrap Fundraiser begins Wednesday, October 2.
The Charleston Wrap catalog includes holiday gift ideas, kitchen essentials, deluxe wrapping paper, and more. Students earn prizes based on the number of items sold.
Proceeds from this fundraiser will support enrichment programs and other activities for our students.

Catalog Sales:
- Fundraising packets will be sent home in student folders.
- Order forms with payment are due by Friday, October 18.
- Make checks payable to “Stillmeadow PFO”
- Orders ship free to Stillmeadow.
- Orders arrive in early December.
- No sales tax.

Online Sales:
- Click here to set up an online sales account.
- Stillmeadow’s School ID is z-17053.
- Invite friends and family to shop.
- Orders ship directly to the purchaser’s designated address.
- Subject to applicable sales tax.
- Orders over $85 ship for free.